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The mission of the Bushmans Mountain Tuli Stud is to:

  • Breed the most profitable cattle for the arid Karoo environment
  • Produce animals that are very fertile especially under extensive conditions
  • Select animals that are hardy and easy to care for with a good mother to calf weaning ratio
  • Maximum meat production per ha. with low cost input
  • Produce animals that can be rounded off on the veld at the lowest cost

About the Farm

The stud is hosted on the farm Dankbaar, in the heart of the Nama-Karoo, near the town of Colesberg and the Gariep Dam. The farm is nestled on and around Bushmans Mountain.

The stud was established in 2004 after stock theft and losses due to vermin, made it impossible to farm sustainably with sheep. We experimented with several breeds including Bonsmara, Beefmaster and Nguni but found the Tuli to be the most profitable breed in this harsh environment.

The mountainous terrain, limited vegetation, veld that has deteriorated due to many years of over grazing as well as temperatures reaching extremes of 49 degrees Celsius in summer and -16 degrees Celsius in winter, sets the foundation for the ultimate testing ground. These conditions stretch the Tuli’s ability to survive and breed profitable offspring.

Tuli cows cover long distances every day in mountainous terrain to find their food and to raise their calves. Bulls have to cover their cows in this tough environment. Multiple sires mating are used and the cows select the bulls to mate with.

Why the Tuli is the most suitable breed for us:

  • Fertility
  • Adaptability
  • Low cost maintenance
  • Tuli’s perform well under extensive conditions without supplementary feed
  • The Tuli, a descendant of Africa’s Sanga cattle, was well adapted to surviving on nutrient-poor veld without a reduction in fertility and condition
  • The smooth hide protects against ticks and other external parasites
  • Naturally polled
  • Calm temperament
  • The cows produce enough milk to wean calves at an average weight of 220kg
  • The cows have a strong maternal instinct, which is needed to protect their calves against predators
  • Low mortality rate, especially on the percentage of calves weaned

Bushmans Mountain made a huge investment by purchasing the best female genetics available on the market. Every year we buy some of the finest bulls from the best Tuli stud breeders to ensure that the profitable genetics of our Tuli’s continuously improve.

Profitability is measured by calculating the calf weaning weight as a ratio of the mother’s weight on the weaning date. The stud average over the years is in excess of 50% of the total weight of the cows that were mated with the bulls. Average weaned weight for heifers is 210 kg and 230 kg for bull calves.